Monday, September 12, 2011

Symbols of Monotony

The harsh reality is that I struggle every day. I don't love the tasks that make up the bulk of a mother's life. Do I love my life? Yes. Do I love my children? Uh, yeah...who doesn't love my kids? Do I love motherhood? Not quite yet.

So, in an effort to see my day as a tad more meaningful, I started making a list of the tasks I don't like to do and seeing what they mean/represent/symbolize. These are just quick thoughts and they may not even make sense to you but I thought I'd share them anyway. I'd love your additions.

Cleaning of all sorts= represents baptism/purification, repentance

Dishes= nourishment to bodies (representing nourishment of spirit), natural consequences (dishes follow food), abundance and variety

Laundry= clothe (shield and protect) our children, beautify, abundance

Cooking= again representing nourishment (which comes one small meal at a time), you are what you put into yourself (the purer the better), abundance and variety

Tidying= order, all things have a purpose in their sphere (if not, give it to someone for whom it will be able to fulfil the measure of its creation), abundance

Playing with kids= being WITH them (if God's work is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life, He must actually WANT to be with us- there's no accounting for some People's taste), learning through symbolism, creative/imaginative power of human mind, abundance of time and freedom

Disciplining= all choices have consequences, my efforts represent God's constant teaching and redirecting, reminds me to learn lessons while the price is small

Meal planning/shopping= agency, planning lowers risk of temptation, thought/plans create reality, abundance of choices (this abundance is less cheery than the others- this one can be more a burden than a blessing and we must remember that each thing we put in our "shopping cart" will end up inside us eventually)

Okay, Cozy just woke up and is growling in her crib. I'd love to hear any additions you have. But before I go, I'll add one that just rose to the surface:

End of naptime= life is full of undulations, work always follows rest, and there is nothing better than a post-nap smile (assuming the munchkin isn't grumpy)

1 comment:

  1. Excuse me while I wipe the dust off my chin which is gently grazing the surface of my desk while reading Sarah's post. I still can't get my mouth to close properly! Sarah - you absolutely blow me away! You ask for additional symbols - I feel like a preschooler being asked how to read Dostoevsky! I'm just trying to blunder my way through life without bumping into too many brick walls while you're weaving glittering lace and creating symphonies of thought! Uh sorry, (insert visual of me itching my butt) can't come up with any additions just now, but thanks for blowing some of the smoke away from my mind's eye - I will start looking for more symbols.
