Friday, May 13, 2011

trying again...

Hi again dear ones - Sarah and I want to get this going again. We feel like the last time we tried the blog idea, the setup got complicated and everyone chickened out, for fear of that terrifying technology stuff. This time we want to KISS (keep it simple, stupid). We want this to be a place of regular thoughts and discussion, to help us keep our fire alive in our goals regarding body, mind and spirit. We can post links to articles, add quotes, whatever floats your boat (short of nudie photos, although even that is allowed if the nudies are under age 3!). Also, if you let us know you want in on this, we can set it up so you have a tab at the top, like ours, to add in or edit your goals. We can also set it up so that you get an email every time someone posts to the blog! That way, you don't have to go searching to see if people are talking - the discussions come to you - along with a set of ginsu knives - not really. Anyway, I've clearly been tinkering with technology too long and am getting crazy. Hope you join in - and if we can get it up and rolling, we can invite others. Let's hear some feedback! Love you!


  1. looks like you're right, sarah. posting a comment on an existing thread didn't trigger an email to me - same for you?

  2. Welcome Mindy! Hope you get an email informing you of this comment. We're still working out kinks.

  3. Yay Mindy! We've added a goal tab for you and given admin privileges so you can get in there and mess around. any ideas? people to invite?
