Monday, May 16, 2011

We are our own masters

Thought I'd pass along this quote by Spencer W. Kimball:

"Our ill are usually of our own begetting. They must be corrected by ourselves. Man is the master of his destiny, be it good or bad. Man has the inherent capacity to heal himself physically. A doctor may cleanse a wound, sew it up, bandage it well, but the natural power of the body must do the healing. Likewise, a healing process in the spirit and mind must come from within the self will. Others may help to cauterize the wound, suture it, and provide a clean proper environment for the healing, but the body, with the aid of the Spirit, must heal itself."

I love the implications of this. Our society has taught us that we have to go elsewhere for healing, whether it be physical or emotional. I take comfort is knowing that those are only tools. The real thing we need is the Holy Ghost to direct us to our own natural healing done through the Savior. I have felt this going on so much in my life. I feel like I am being led to the information and teachings that are enabling me to see my options and make the decision to heal. It comes back to agency. We have been acted upon so much that we forget the degree to which we CAN choose for ourselves. And, of course, we have forgotten that we have the power available to us to make these changes and choices.

Am I being too repetitive when I saw that we live far beneath our privileges? Maybe if I say it enough, I'll eventually live accordingly.


  1. Please keep posting quotes and thoughts like these. I know you worry about flooding people with stuff, but seriously, this stuff is inspiring and helpful. Thank you for your depth and wisdom.

    By the way, I agree completely that we live below our privileges. I tend to feel powerless and acted upon, but that is a victim mentality. I'm grateful to hear a modern day prophet challenge us to take up ownership and act for ourselves.

  2. Sarah, I love this quote and I have never heard it before. And please keep sharing with us. You know, we have talked about waking up, which I know we have been doing. But I can see that we've just gotten started. It feels good, though, don't you think? Oh, and I LOVE this the decor (gee, I wonder who came up with it, hehehe.)
